It’s 2021. Why start a blog now?

Kennedy Lauren
2 min readOct 19, 2021

Most bloggers probably make their first posts all about them and why you should subscribe to their blog. But as you will find with time, I’m not most bloggers. And I also know you don’t really care about any of that.

The truth is, when used correctly, blogs or personal websites are powerful tools for any content creator.

And while it may seem limiting, once you take a closer look you realize the power that you hold in your pen. (Or keyboard, whatever.)

  1. These social media apps are not your friend.

They own you! Look, I know none of us are reading the terms and conditions, but don’t be daft. Your followers on these sites are not YOURS. Sure, you’ve built a following, maybe even a community, but at the end of the day when that app shuts down, censors your account, or worse, deletes it, what are you left with?

So take that community elsewhere. Lead them, via email marketing, to the safe pastures of your own digital real estate. Meaning you need your own site. Collecting those emails will help you forever stay in contact with the people who are always in your socials’ comment section.

2. No censorship.

Having your own site or blog FEELS better when it comes to being confident in your creative work. There, in the safe confines of your own digital space, there is no competition. No one can compare your writing to anyone else’s or scroll past to read something from someone else. Your website is a look at yourself through your own gaze, no validation or censorship needed. The best part, you always know what your audience is coming for: you.

3. Analytics — get to know your real audience.

No shade to any of these companies, but I’ve always felt skeptical about trusting them about what they report engagement looks like in their app. Isn’t their goal to get us all to spend as much time as possible online? So it only makes sense that those reports could be….. let’s just say, ‘slightly exaggerated’, to drive us to do what they want.

And even if my conspiracy is wrong, it’s still true that keeping a nice content hub on your own site will allow you to track your audience and continue to attract and grow your tribe.

So go forth, and write. We all have something to share, (even if it is weird) and there’s always someone out there who is willing to listen.

